

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
getLabel node
Signature: node:(type) -> PennTreebankIITags option
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isClauseLevel _arg1
Signature: _arg1:PennTreebankIITags -> bool
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isLabel label node
Signature: label:PennTreebankIITags -> node:(type) -> bool
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isOneOfLabels labels node
Signature: labels:seq<PennTreebankIITags> -> node:(type) -> bool
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isPhraseLevel _arg1
Signature: _arg1:PennTreebankIITags -> bool
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isPunctuation _arg1
Signature: _arg1:PennTreebankIITags -> bool
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isWordLevel _arg1
Signature: _arg1:PennTreebankIITags -> bool
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Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |ClauseLevel|_| ) tag
Signature: tag:PennTreebankIITags -> unit option
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( |Label|_| ) label node
Signature: label:PennTreebankIITags -> node:(type) -> unit option
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( |PhraseLevel|_| ) tag
Signature: tag:PennTreebankIITags -> unit option
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( |Punctuation|_| ) tag
Signature: tag:PennTreebankIITags -> unit option
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( |WordLevel|_| ) tag
Signature: tag:PennTreebankIITags -> unit option
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